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19 March 20247 min.
Max Cyrek
Max Cyrek

Pillar pages – what they are and how to create them

Pillar pages – what they are and how to create them

Every website has its pillars – these are the pillar pages. They make it easy for users to navigate the website and quickly find the information they are interested in. Pillar pages are also important in the context of SEO optimisation.

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Pillar page – definition

The term pillar page, or pillar page, is a term used in the field of online marketing and SEO to refer to a sub-page on a website that acts as a central unit of content within a broad theme. A pillar page is designed to provide users with general information on a particular topic, while directing them to more detailed articles.

Pillar Page, also known as a pillar page, is a term used in internet marketing, particularly in the context of search engine optimisation (SEO) strategies. It is a type of page on a website that acts as the main source of information on a particular topic. It is a broad topic page that provides general information on a topic, while also linking to more detailed articles and pages that focus on more specific aspects of that topic.

Pillar page definition.

A pillar page is a key element of a topic clustering strategy, which involves grouping content around one main topic to increase authority and visibility in search engines. A pillar page includes the following elements:

  • Centrality in the content structure – pillar pages act as the ‘pillars’ of the site’s content structure, from which other, more detailed sub-pages branch out.
  • Broad topic coverage – the pillar page focuses on a broad topic that can be broken down into various sub-topics.
  • Links to detailed sub-pages – a pillar page contains links to more detailed articles or sub-pages (often referred to as ‘pillars’).
  • Informative and educational value – a pillar page provides valuable information to users and acts as an authoritative source of knowledge on a topic.
  • Search engine optimisation – by linking closely to other content, the pillar page helps to optimise the website for search engines.

Impact of pillar pages on website positioning

Pillar pages can significantly impact the positioning of a website in search engine results. They help to create a strong internal link structure. By linking to related sub-pages (and vice versa) in a pillar page, your website gains a clear and logical structure, making it easier for search engines to understand the subject matter and content hierarchy.

Focusing on one broad topic and providing detailed information on related sub-topics can help establish your site as an authority. When your site becomes an authority in a particular area, other sites are more likely to link to it. Inbound links from trusted sources can significantly impact SEO.

Providing valuable and comprehensive information on the pillar page, and directing users to more detailed content, improves their experience of using your site. If the pillar page is well-written and contains valuable information, users are likely to spend more time on the site, which is another positive signal to search engines.

A pillar page also allows you to optimise your content around a wider range of keywords, including more general phrases. This allows your website to be seen by a wider range of users. However, it is important to remember that the success of pillar pages also depends on the quality of the content, the technical optimisation of the page, and how well it is tailored to the needs and interests of the target audience.

Creating a pillar page

Creating an effective pillar page requires careful planning and execution. Remember, creating an effective pillar page is a process that can take time and effort, but can yield significant SEO benefits and build authority in your field. Here are the steps you can take:

Keyword research

Conducting keyword research allows you to understand which phrases and queries are popular with your target audience. Using keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, you can identify relevant phrases with high search volume for your topic. This knowledge allows you to optimise the content on your pillar page, making it more appealing. Understanding your target audience’s search intentions also allows you to adapt the tone and style of your content to make it more appealing to their needs and interests.

Choosing a main topic and identifying sub-topics

Start by choosing a broad topic that is relevant to your industry or area of interest. It should be broad enough to be broken down into a number of related sub-topics. These allow you to explore different aspects of the main topic, making your site a richer source of information for readers. If your site’s main topic is about healthy living, sub-topics could include exercise, healthy diet, stress management and sleep quality. In this way, users who come to your page looking for information on healthy living will be able to explore different aspects of the topic by clicking on links to more in-depth articles or sub-topics.

Choosing a broad topic allows you to create rich and varied content that will attract different audience segments. Creating detailed content not only enriches the user experience, but also improves SEO by building a strong internal link structure. It also allows you to build authority in your field by presenting yourself as a source of comprehensive knowledge. It also favours SEO optimisation as it allows you to use a wide range of keywords and phrases.

Content creation

Writing comprehensive and valuable content for your pillar page is key to making it a hub of knowledge on your chosen topic. It should provide readers with general information, but at the same time be rich and comprehensive enough for them to understand different aspects. Structure and organisation are equally important – information should be presented in a logical way, with clear headings and sub-headings that make the content easy to navigate.

It is also good to keep in mind the visual aspects of the page, such as images, graphics or video, which can make the content more attractive and engaging. Using clear and understandable language is also important to make the content accessible to a wide audience, regardless of their level of knowledge of the topic. Instead of focusing solely on SEO, focus on making sure your content actually helps and informs your readers.

Including links in your pillar page content to more in-depth articles or sub-pages is a key part of building an effective content structure. Introducing these links creates a web of links that allows you to easily navigate between different aspects of your topic. This allows readers to quickly find deeper information on topics of interest, increasing the chances that they will stay on your site longer.

From an SEO point of view, skilful internal linking positively influences the indexing of pages by search engines and can contribute to a higher position in search results. In addition, providing links to valuable and reliable sources of information can strengthen your site’s authority as a trusted centre of knowledge in a particular field.

Optimising for search engines

Optimising your pillar page for SEO is key to ensuring its visibility in search results. This includes:

  • Using relevant keywords in the text;
  • Optimising meta tags, including the page title and meta descriptions;
  • Clear headings.

Additionally, it is worth checking that your website is responsive, i.e. adapts to different screen sizes. Finally, page load speed has a direct impact on user experience and is one of the factors that search engines take into account when ranking pages, so it is worth investing in optimising page performance.

Promotion and sharing

Once the pillar page has been published, it is worth actively promoting it via social media. Also, sending a link to the pillar page in newsletters targeted at your subscriber base can be effective, as you are thus reaching people who have already expressed interest in your brand or topic. You should also consider sharing your pillar page on online forums, industry groups or other channels where you can find an audience interested in the content.

Monitoring and updating

Once published, monitor the performance of the page using analytics tools. Check how users access the page, how long they stay on it and what actions they take. Based on this data, make the necessary optimisations. In addition to this, update the pillar page regularly, adding new information and keeping it in line with current trends and practices in your industry.

Examples of pillar pages

Examples of pillar pages may vary depending on the industry and topic they are trying to cover. It is worth noting that each one should be carefully designed, contain quality content and have a well thought-out linking structure to related pages. Here are some examples of fictional pillar pages for different industries:

  • Digital marketing – a pillar page ‘Complete guide to digital marketing’ could provide an overview of different aspects of digital marketing, such as SEO, content marketing, email marketing, social media, etc. This pillar page would have links to more detailed articles on each of these sub-topics.
  • Cooking and recipes – in this case a pillar page entitled ‘The Art of Cooking: An A to Z Guide’ could include information on different cooking techniques, ingredients and types of cuisine. It could also include links to recipes, articles on cooking techniques and information on ingredients.
  • Health and fitness – a pillar page entitled ‘Journey to Health and Wellbeing: A Comprehensive Guide’ could focus on different aspects of healthy living. The page could include links to articles on specific exercises, recipes for healthy meals, sleep tips, etc.
  • Technology – a pillar page entitled ‘Guide to the latest technology trends’ could include links to deeper articles discussing topics in different areas of technology, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain or cloud computing.

Pillar pages as an effective website management tool

Pillar pages are a key element in a content marketing strategy, acting as a knowledge hub for a specific, broad topic. They are closely linked to topic clusters, which consist of more detailed articles or sub-pages that relate to sub-topics. Pillar pages link these sub-pages via internal links, creating a coherent structure of content around a central theme.

In the context of the increasingly popular semantic positioning, pillar pages help search engines to understand the context and relationships between different pieces of content, which contributes to the page’s authority in a given area. The use of LSI keywords, which are semantically related to the main topic, helps to further solidify the context and help search engines understand how different topics are related.

Effective use of pillar pages and topic clusters can lead to higher rankings in search results, greater visibility and better user engagement. Proper optimisation and regular updates are key to maintaining the effectiveness of pillar pages in the long term.


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