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15 January 20244 min.
Max Cyrek
Max Cyrek
Article updated at: 31 January 2024

Growing a startup – proven ways

Growing a startup – proven ways

Sometimes an innovative idea is not enough to conquer a domestic market, let alone an overseas one. If you want your startup to make a satisfactory profit, consistently attract customers and achieve your goals, it is essential to use proven ways of developing it.

In this article you will learn:

Startup development – definition

A startup is a newly established company or venture. It is based on an innovative idea or technology and seeks rapid growth and scalability. For this to be possible, it needs to grow.

The development of a startup is the process that a newly formed company goes through. It encompasses the various phases of growth and evolution of the business that lead to its resilient operation and stable position in the market.

Definition of a start-up

The specific development paths of a start-up may differ due to the industry and its specifics In all cases, however, the development of a start-up is crucial for business success.

Growing a startup

Startups drive economies around the world and are therefore extremely important. Unfortunately, their path to success is demanding and difficult. However, there are ways to successfully develop a startup and effectively increase its capabilities. When looking to develop a startup, take the following steps:

Create a strategy

Every business starts with an idea. First there is the vision, but immediately after that there should be a well thought-out strategy. Before going bigger, clarify your business goals, know and understand your target audience, analyse the market and create a unique value proposition. A good business strategy will be the basis for your next steps and the growth of your startup.

Focus on the customer

Do you know what can ensure your success when developing your startup? Putting your customers first. Listen to their feedback and learn from it. Remember that the needs of your target group change regularly, so your product should be tailored to the changing customers needs. Build a strong relationship with them from the very first days of your business.

Learn to adapt

Business changes every day, which is why the ability to adapt and innovate is so important. As a start-up business owner, you need to be quite flexible and not close yourself off to changes, related to new technologies or trends.

Focus on marketing

Consumers don’t see companies that don’t invest in marketing. If you don’t use the right channels, and that includes social media, you won’t attract customers. Startups should therefore invest in a marketing strategy that will build their visibility. A well-developed marketing plan that takes into account advertising, social media branding or email campaigns will allow you to receive a satisfactory return on investment.

Attract talent

An entrepreneur alone, even when he or she joins forces with investors, will not be able to serve all customers or control every department of the company. It is necessary to hire the right people to contribute to success. If you want to build a strong team that shares your values and vision for the company, then hire and then retain talent, i.e. capable and competent employees.

Start-up development through marketing

Marketing – as much as sales – is fundamental when you want your business (especially in the early stages) to be profitable. To effectively reach your consumers, consider the following strategies and tools:

Content marketing

From the first days, your start-up should appear as an expert in the industry. Show that you know what you are doing. By passing on valuable knowledge and answering frequently asked questions, you will build a trusted audience. Use content marketing to do this.

One of the best examples of using content marketing properly is HubSpot. It is a place where you will find many free resources, guides and tools to help you with your marketing. By many professionals working in the marketing industry,

Email marketing

Email marketing can be used in a variety of ways – one of which is a newsletter, where you can share knowledge or encourage your audience to buy new products. A newsletter is also the place to find any information about promotions and discounts. If you want your email marketing to be even more effective and contribute to the growth of your startup, then it’s time to automate it. Send personalised product recommendations based on your browsing history. This is how Allegro and Amazon, among others, operate.

Optimise your website

If you want to use marketing activities in the process of developing your startup, it is also worth taking care of the optimisation of your website. This includes both SEO optimisation and the associated improvement of the user experience. By taking these aspects into consideration, you will make your website more visible in the organic search results and users will be more likely to visit your website and take up certain interactions, such as buying your product.

The importance of start-up development

The development of a startup affects many aspects of its operation. This is because it allows for, among other things:

  • Attracting investors – developing startups are attractive to investors. This is because they can see the potential that may induce them to finance the chosen enterprise.
  • Innovation – developing a startup and the associated introduction of innovations, responding to consumer demands, makes your startup perceived as innovative and flexible in the face of changing market conditions.
  • Increasing competitiveness in the market – growing startups that introduce valuable innovations are also more competitive because they effectively differentiate themselves from other companies and attract members of their target audience.
  • Meeting established business goals – consistent development also allows for the gradual achievement of pre-established business goals and is ultimately a key element in the success of a start-up.


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Max Cyrek
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