Corporate image – what is it and how do you create it?

How to stand out in a highly competitive market? In addition to an original product or service offer, it is also worth taking care of a positive corporate image. It will make potential consumers pay attention to your company and, as a result, they will be more willing to make positive purchasing decisions, which will contribute to better business results.
In this article you will learn:
- What is corporate image?
- What factors influence the corporate image?
- How do I shape the corporate image?
- What is the importance of a positive corporate image?
Corporate image – definition
Corporate image is also often referred to as corporate identity or reputation. It is the way a company is perceived by current and potential customers, business partners, investors or stakeholders. The corporate image is made up of associated experiences, impressions, associations and knowledge of the company’s activities.
The corporate image is the way in which a company is perceived by people and stakeholders in the business environment – including potential and existing customers, investors and business partners.
What is corporate image?
It is worth noting that a positive corporate image is extremely important for all companies – both smaller and larger. This is because this aspect helps to effectively attract potential customers, business partners and investors, which significantly influences the development and success of a given company.
Factors influencing a company’s image
The perception of a company by those in its business environment depends on many factors. The image of a company is influenced by, among other things:
- the quality of products and services – products and services that meet and exceed customers’ expectations are crucial in building a positive company image; it is therefore worth ensuring an offer that is genuinely responsive to the needs and preferences of the target audience,
- customer service – a company’s positive or negative image is also influenced by direct contact with consumers; in order to build a positive corporate image, it is therefore necessary to provide excellent customer service – then members of the target group will perceive the company as a trustworthy organisation that meets their needs,
- consumer opinions – consumer opinions are also linked to the company image; for example, if people who have used your products or services in the past share their opinion of them and recommend them to other members of the target group, your company will be perceived positively in their business environment,
- corporate culture – the perception of your company is also influenced by its corporate culture, i.e. the norms, principles, practices and values in place within the organisation, as well as processes such as onboarding and offboarding of employees,
- corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) – nowadays it is also extremely important whether a company subscribes to the principles of sustainable development, undertakes actions aimed at limiting the negative impact on the environment and initiatives focusing on building and developing relations with the local community and employees; these aspects influence the company’s overall image,
- media relations – a company’s image is also influenced by the way it communicates with the media, i.e. its public relations activities; thanks to positive relations with the media, a company can, among other things, build up its credibility, gain the trust of its customers and increase its visibility on the market,
- financial performance – the perception of a company (especially by its business partners) can also be influenced by its financial performance – if this is satisfactory, then the company presents itself as stable in the minds of the public, which often encourages them to enter into cooperation.
Corporate image development
Creating a company’s image is a process. To carry it out properly it is necessary to:
- Define the purpose of the organisation – fundamental to creating a company’s image is defining the purpose of the company, i.e. the reason why the company was founded. Clearly defined company objectives will help you build relationships with customers and stakeholders with a real interest in working with your company.
- Ensure consistent communication – shaping the company’s image should also be based on consistent communication (including visual communication). This will make your organisation more recognisable and perceived positively, as an integrated whole.
- Plan and carry out activities that are in line with the company’s values – corporate image building is also about carrying out activities that are in line with the established and communicated values of the company. In this way, you prove to your audience that you are worth trusting and that certain values are really important to you.
- Provide top-quality products and services – in order to write yourself off in the right way in the minds of your customers or business partners, you need to provide top-quality products or services to the market. By nurturing this aspect of your business, you will influence the positive perception of your company in its business community.
- Provide excellent customer service – when looking to build or improve your company’s image, you should also ensure that you provide the right level of customer service. Ensure that consumers are happy in their dealings with your business and, if necessary, provide your staff with the appropriate training to enable them to better serve consumers.
The importance of a positive corporate image
A positive corporate image brings many benefits to an organisation. This is because a positive corporate image makes it possible, among other things, to:
- gaining consumer trust – a positive corporate image helps companies build credibility, which ultimately translates into the ability to gain customer trust,
- increasing customer engagement – consumers who trust a company and are willing to use its services are also more involved in the company’s activities,
- attracting talented employees – a positive image of a company also influences its internal structure – specialists from a given sector are more willing to cooperate with a company that is valued in a given business environment, which contributes to the overall development of the entire organisation,
- the possibility of establishing cooperation with business partners – companies that are perceived in a positive way in their business environment also encourage potential partners to establish a variety of cooperation, which broadens the horizons of the company and contributes to its success,
- gaining a competitive advantage – building a positive corporate image allows a company to stand out from its competitors and subsequently gain a competitive advantage,
- achieving better business results – a positive corporate image, and consequently engaged, loyal customers, talented employees, collaborations with business partners and the ability to stand out from the competition, helps an organisation to achieve better business results and, ultimately, leads to its success.
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