Every now and then, on internet forums and in more or less content-related groups on Facebook, there break out discussions on how Google Bot – that we shall tenderly call BG here – works: what it can see, what it cannot see and how it influences SEO. What kind of links it visits and what kind it does not visit. Today I will present the results of my three months long experiment.
And we had lots of fun playing games:
we played catch, observing how BG loves to run redirections 301, crawl images or run from canonicals
we played hide-and-seek in hidden content (which, as his parents claim, he does not tolerate and avoids it)
we trained survival: I was preparing traps and was waiting for him to fall into them
I was putting up obstacles with various difficulty levels to check how my little friend would deal with them
And I can tell you that I did not get disappointed…